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Together We Build Dreams

The development of this website is a joint initiative between the  Utah State Board of Education Special Education Services and the Utah Parent Center with the Utah Statewide Collaborative on Postsecondary Transition (STC) serving as supporting stakeholders to improve post-school outcomes for students with disabilities.

"Transitioning from school to postsecondary settings can be challenging for students with disabilities. To support the successful postsecondary transition for our students, teachers and Individualized Education Program (IEP) team members should assist students with disabilities in the process of developing critical skills and accessing services to achieve their post high school goals in employment, further education/training, and independent living." (Utah State Board of Education website)

Collaborating Partners

The Statewide Collaborative on Postsecondary Transition or STC is a working partnership of state agencies and other organizations that serve youth with disabilities preparing to transition to adulthood. The STC includes agencies and organizations that are disability-specific and agencies who serve the general population of youth to ensure the needs of youth with disabilities are addressed comprehensively. The purpose of the STC is to collaboratively develop a statewide vision of postsecondary transition to improve outcomes for youth in Utah. The work of the STC will better define and support postsecondary transition to improve access to needed services and therefore improve student outcomes in employment, postsecondary education, and independent living.

If you would like more information on the STC, please contact us.

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